For SMEs to thrive!

ESG, reporting, compliance, risk mitigation, carbon accounting, regulation… It’s all too hard.

Brownee demystifies sustainability and aligns it with core business decision making,
so SMEs can thrive in this new environment.

  • 1. Sustainability is awesome

    How good if you can help others and protect the environment, while you do what you do successfully?

    So why shouldn’t this be fun? At Brownee we love the good vibes. And we know: positivity is key to success!

  • 2. It's not that hard

    Different from popular belief, getting into sustainability is actually simple, now that you have found us.

    With Brownee, knowing where to start, getting into action and actually improving your business along with your footprint becomes part of your day to day, easily.

  • 3. It's a recipe for success

    Studies show it and we have the lived experience: you will do better when you do better. And why shouldn’t you?

    Give it a try with Brownee and you will quickly agree, it’s simply the best way to do business.

  • 4. It's about doing

    Different from most, we believe sustainability is about action first, reporting second. Not the other way round.

    Ask yourself: has real business success ever been created in a balance sheet? Exactly. So let’s get into action!

  • 5. It's more than net zero

    Yes, Greenhouse gas emissions need to come down. But there is so much more to sustainability.

    That’s why our approach covers all 17 of the UN’s Sustainability Development Goals.

  • 6. It's a journey

    This isn’t a project, it’s a process. Like with everything new, you will start with the easy bits and get better over time. And that’s ok. No one started at the top.

    So give it a go, stay humble and stay curious.

Sustainability isn’t just carbon.
It’s not just risk, reporting, or compliance.
And it’s not just a strategy either.
It’s a mindset for success!

With Brownee, it’s in the baking.